Matilda MacAttram is founder and director of Black Mental Health UK (BMH UK), a human rights campaigns group established in 2006 to raise awareness and address the stigma associated with mental illness within African Caribbean communities. She has spoken out publicly against the deaths and ill treatment of black patients detained in psychiatric hospitals and other custodial settings and changed the public...Read More
Janet will be joining our Law workshop at Birkbeck, University of London on 31st March 2012 Janet is a Senior Lawyer currently working in the public sector in the area of child protection. Having been called to the Bar in 2001, Janet worked for the ‘magic circle’ firms in the areas of acquisition & mergers,...Read More
Inspirational YOU – Educate. Connect. Empower. At Birkbeck College, University of London, Torrington Square, London, WC1E 7HX Inspirational YOU returns on Saturday 31st March, 11am-6pm with another powerful line up of speakers who will inspire, support and give industry tips. Workshops and seminars The ART of being black(History of art seminar David Neita (Barrister and Poet)...Read More
NEW CHANNEL 4 SERIES COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE Are you at a crossroads in your life? Are you about to make a life changing decision? We are making a series that will attempt to help you come up with solutions toyour personal dilemmas. Whether this dilemma is about relationships, career, family, health or finances, you...Read More
Time to Change grant fund Our grants fund will make awards to approximately 75 community projects across England between May 2012 and March 2015. It funds projects that tackle stigma and discrimination by bringing people with and without mental health problems together. We’re looking for projects that change attitudes and behaviour by engaging local communities...Read More
We are now six weeks into 2012 and we hope that you are achieving you are achieving your goals. We wanted to share an article posted at the beginning of this year. Whether you had changes in employment, business or finances; experienced births or bereavement; went through challenging times in family or friendships; or you...Read More
December 11, 2011 Deborah Ohiwereh – Founder of Diamond Therapy Skin Care. What is Diamond Therapy skin care and how do you manage to create beauty products that are all natural? Diamond Therapy is affordable luxury skincare made with all natural ingredients. All products are handmade, specialising in moisturising your skin whilst leaving you with...Read More
The First Lady Meets Natasha Devon for some Body Gossip! November 15, 2011 Ruth Rogers and Natasha Devon What is body gossip and why did you become involved? Body Gossip is a campaign which promotes healthy and realistic beauty. We invite everyone in the UK to write something about their unique, real body and submit it to...Read More
The First Lady Meets….Afrocenchix! November 22, 2011 Please tell us about the Afrocenchix movement? I say movement as your website does a lot more than sell fabulous hair products. Our movement began with two quests. Mine was to find products that I wasn’t allergic to. Joycelyn’s was to find products that helped her to manage her...Read More
The First Lady Meets…AMAKAI ethical skin care for all! Aisha and Kate the ladies behind AMAKAI How do you pronounce Amakai? ‘AMA-KYE’ Amakai skin care is natural skin care with a conscience, could you tell us how you came up with the idea and why? We wanted to introduce the effectiveness...Read More