Women who inspire Wednesday 28th May 2014 6.30pm – 9.00pm 7.00pm prompt start Town Hall, Brixton, SW2 1RW Inspirational YOU in partnership with Impact Hub Brixton will be holding a female inspired business masterclass and networking evening. Impact Hub Brixton opened in April 2014 and is an innovate business incubator / working space. The Impact Hub...Read More
Young entrepreneurs encouraged to “Think Bigga” at monthly mixer for start-ups An inspirational networking event that hopes to help hundreds of 18-30 year olds kick-start their businesses returned to the capital last night. Pic Bigga Business Hosted at Google Campus, the Think Bigga Launchpad for young entrepreneurs featured leading business organisations, such as the Facebook...Read More
Josef Cool is an award winning business student and entrepreneur who will be joining us at Inspire YOUth Derby at the Quad on 24th April 2014. Josef’s entrepreneurial career started at the age of 10 when he lived in the US. He began developing and producing motivational music tracks to encourage young people to take positive steps...Read More
Ernest Kouassi will be speaking on the Inspirational YOU, ‘ Young and winning’ panel on Tuesday 18th February at The College of Haringey and Enfield in North East London. Despite getting kicked out of school, college, and joining a gang at a young age, Ernest Kouassi is one of the most exciting young entrepreneurs in London...Read More
Inspirational YOU From dream to reality – let’s talk business Dates: Tuesday 15th October 2013 Time: 1.00pm-3.00pm Location: The Stephen Lawrence Centre, 39 Brookmill Rd, Deptford, London, SE8 4HU Theme: Time to start and grow YOUr business Tips for start ups Sustaining your business Feel the fear and do it anyway Be inspired by local business...Read More
Saturday 29th June 2013 Inspirational YOU – Be Inspired III Birkbeck, University of London (Torrington House) 12pm – 7pm Come and be empowered by a day filled with inspirational talks, enterprise seminars and personal development workshops in a lively and positive environment. Inspirational YOU returns to the prestigious Birkbeck, University of London as part of their Be...Read More
Charlotte Ball, will be joining our Leading women’s on Saturday 29th June. Over the last few years Charlotte has been inspiring young women across the UK (and young men too). Firstly with her work as founder of the Young Enterprise School, which has now evolved into Discovering Enterprise, in which she works closely with students and teachers...Read More
Jane Bradley will be joining our Leading women’s panel at Birkbeck, University of London on 29th June. Jane is an award winning writer who founded For Books’ Sake, the webzine dedicated to books by and for independent women. In 2011, Jane co-edited Short Stack, the first For Books’ Sake short story...Read More
Kenny Imafidon is an advisor on Youth policy, campaigner and social entrepreneur on socio-economic issues affecting young people in the UK. Kenny decided to pursue his love for politics from a young age and has been in the political arena from age 16, his favourite political figures being: Thomas Jefferson, Henry Kissinger, Mahatma Gandhi, Winston...Read More
Ketan Makwana will be joining our Inspire YOUth launch at London Youth on Wednesday 1st May. This evening is supported by GoThinkBig. Accidental Entrepreneur Ketan Makwana has started and successfully sold a series of agencies since 2009 focussed on business development, branding and growth. Ketan has a focus and passion in business, enterprise and Youth Development his current agency...Read More