Sandra Brown – Pinnock
CEO of Xsandy’s Hair and beauty retail stores
Saturday 20th May 2017
What does natural mean in 2017? A natural hair and wellbeing discussion
The Village Centre, Willington Road, SW9
Sandra Brown-Pinnock, an award-winning entrepreneur and owner of Xsandy’s – the UK’s premium hair extensions brand and retail chain, is raising the bar within the (Afro) hair and beauty world. As the only female, African-Caribbean (hair and beauty) retailer in South East London, Sandra uses business as a tool to empower and motivate others within the community to embrace entrepreneurship.
Having worked in mental health care (public sector) for over 15 years, Sandra then moved into the private sector and opened a social care organisation to facilitate the rehabilitation of mental health patients back into society. During the course of eight years managing eleven homes, Sandra’s role was instrumental as consultant to senior commissioners and placement officers, enabling them to successfully assist thousands of “difficult to place clients” towards complete independent living.
In 2008 Sandra set her eyes on the lucrative hair industry, and embarked on a new journey manufacturing a successful line of hair extensions. Motivated by the lack of product knowledge and customer service provided in hair stores, the former psychiatric nurse-turned business woman opened her first retail store in Lewisham Shopping Centre in June 2015. A year later, Xsandy’s opened a second store in Peckham on bustling Rye Lane, the SE latest area set for regeneration developments
Driven by her vision to empower other Black-owned businesses within the market, Sandra stocks an expanding range of independent UK product lines including Shea Decadence London, Premae, Afrocenchix and Shear and Shine (the UK’s first black grooming range). Having recently won Business Start-Up of the Year (C.Hub Awards 2016) and shortlisted for a Precious Award – the UK’s leading awards ceremony for women of colour, Sandra hopes that through leadership, innovation and sharing her experience that others will be encouraged to embark on an entrepreneurial journey; thus positively impacting the economic and social status of the community at large.