
Vinita Rathi

Founder of Systango & CodePunt


Vinita is the Founder of Systango & CodePunt, Women Who Code London Director and Google Women Techmakers Lead.

Vinita is the Co Founder of Systango – an IT consultancy firm and a former VP at Goldman Sachs UK with 9 years experience in varied roles in Information Technology.

She is the Co – Founder of SWIFT Developer Community and Women Who Code London Chapter Director.

Alongside this she runs a daily challenge website – www.CodePunt and is a Hands on developer and tech architect.

Vinita codes in Ruby, Java, Scala, Python, PHP, Objective C, Swift, NodeJS, Go, Android and runs various projects end to end with anteam of Business Analysts, UI, UX folks and Quality Analysts.


Tuesday 31st March
Impact Hub in Brixton Power of Technology