Legal work shadowing opportunity – July 2012
Inspirational YOU has partnered with DMH Stallard to offer you an opportunity to apply for one week voluntary shadowing placement in their London office.
Corporate Law Firm of the Year – South East Dealmakers Awards 2012
The placement would be suitable for a student interested in a career in law, particularly corporate law.
This is a one week work shadowing placement for the week commencing 23 July
You will be shadowing a senior partner in their London office
The application window is open until the 12pm on 18th May 2012.
Shortlisted candidates may be invited for a telephone or face to face interview.
To register your interest in applying for this position, you must send your CV and covering letter to:
IMPORTANT* you MUST quote INSPIRATIONAL YOU work shadowing on all correspondence at all times.
Twitter: Inspirational_U
Facebook: InspirationalYOU