Gabrielle Omar will be joining our Inspire YOUth careers evening for 16 – 24 year olds at London Youth on
Wednesday 1st May 2013.
This evening is supported by GoThinkBig.
Following on from her achievements on the most recent series of BBC1’s The Apprentice as the first architect on the show, Gabrielle is campaigning alongside Royal Institute of British Architects to help change the face of architecture with the aim of giving the profession a ‘brand overhaul’. She believes that architects and developers need to communicate the extent of their versatility in the current economic climate. Gabrielle reached week ten of the series and achieved what she set out to do – be creative, innovative and get results. Lord Sugar alluded to her astute understanding of brand image and communicating the ideologies of her targeted sector.
Director of architectural practice Lolli & Square and co-Director of property brand consultancy Strut, Gabrielle works across sectors and a range of scales, and is an outspoken advocate for the role of the architect in building better places to live. She is passionate about good design and wishes to inspire and encourage more women, men and young people to enter the profession.
In January 2013 she launched ‘Tea with an Architect‘, which aims to increase interaction between architect and their local community in a relaxed, approachable environment. The campaign also attempts to bring publicity to those smaller firms who find it harder to publicise themselves in these difficult economic times.
‘People know who their local doctor is but they don’t know who their local architect is. So this is a chance for Architects to get to know their community and vice versa over tea.’ Gabrielle Omar
Over the past year Gabrielle has championed both architecture as well as women in architecture, undertaking talks such as The AJ (Architects Journal) Women In Architecture event at the NLA in June, Architect Question Time at 100% design (alongside speakers Christine Murray, Editor,The Architects’ Journal, David Howarth, (Director of DRDH Architects) and Joe Morris, Founder, Duggan Morris Architect), Ask the Architect at Grand Designs Live are to name a few. It is however with her firm Lolli & Square that Gabrielle has really achieved personal accomplishment. Setting up the business after her redundancy in 2008, Gabrielle has won projects both in the UK and in the Middle East. Ranging from high-end Interiors to conceptual master planning projects, Gabrielle has strived to make a practice that stands for good design.