
Channel 4 News is looking for motivated, and engaged young people aged 16 – 21 to take part in a big diversity careers day on Thursday 16 October.

channel 4 news 

All the main news broadcasters in the UK are holding an “Open Newsroom” event to encourage young people from diverse backgrounds to consider a career in television news.  The event is being organised by the Creative Diversity Network, which seeks to address the under-representation of BAME and other minorities within the television industry. 

 CDN logo

This is an all-day, interactive, event starting at 09:00 – 16 00.  You will get a behind-the-scenes look at a TV newsroom, get practical tips and advice on how to get into journalism, take part in workshops and mini-screen tests.   Lunch and refreshments provided.


0900-0915:  Arrive and bring to the newsroom, overview of the day
0930-1000: Sit in the C4 news daily editorial meeting
1000-1100: “What we do” watch a shot film about what we do at C4 news, and hear from Jon Snow and Shaminder Nahal.  Tour of the newsroom

 C$ presenters

1100-1200:  Workshop, 4 in total.  Productions skills, editing, eng camera, studio
1200-1300: Workshop, 4 in total.  Productions skills, editing, eng camera, studio
1300-1400: Networking lunch
1400-1430: Either continue with the networking lunch, or sit in the afternoon daily editorial meeting
1430-1530: Workshop, 4 in total.  Productions skills, editing, eng camera, studio
1530-1630: Workshop, 4 in total.  Productions skills, editing, eng camera, studio
1630: Wrap up the day
If you want to attend, then please email by Tuesday 7th October 2014

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