

Inspirational YOU will be at Challenge 2012 on Saturday 22nd September 2012.

Book your workshop today.

Activity Title: 1 – 13:30pm
Don’t Stereotype Me – Creating a Paradigm Shift
Activity Description:
An interactive workshop exploring the power of perception and diversity, its impact on educational attainment and stories of overcoming adversity. A panel of professionals will reflect on how we stereotype and pass judgement on others based on dress, race and educational attainment.

Activity Title: 2 14:45pm
I am Young and I am Winning!
Activity Description:
A powerful session – Inspired by the personal experiences of a group of dynamic and successful 16 – 25 year olds. Delegates will discuss and hear about the different approaches taken to make personal dreams possible. These young leaders prove that there are no barriers that cannot be overcome. 






Challenge 2012 will bring together 3,000 people at London’s Southbank Centre on 22 September for a day of discussion, debate and decision-making. Led by a range of renowned speakers and facilitators, we will all leave the day with a clear idea of how we are each going to ensure that no child’s educational success is limited by their socio-economic background.

On the day

Delegates will take part in interactive breakout activities to help them decide on their individual commitment to our vision. From sessions such as ‘how schools and businesses can work more effectively together’ to special clinics looking at key policy issues and what you need to set up a successful business, there is something for everyone. Also taking place during the day will be a graduate recruitment and education exhibition, education marketplace and school fete where social entrepreneurs will run stall allowing delegates to learn about the work of different social enterprises through fun and interactive activities.

Speakers include:

guest names

Book your place by emailing your interest to,uk  – who will respond with instructions and registration codes.


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