* STILL SOME PLACES LEFT* Film Focus workshop in partnership with the Roundhouse Q&A with Jude Winstanley, freelance Production Manager with 15 years experience and founder of The Unit List (@theunitlist) Are you a self shooter who needs some tips on how to manage your work? Jude will provide advice and guidance on being a...Read More
Sarah Bailey (Solicitor at Arts Council England) will be joining our Inspirational YOU master class to discuss ‘Women at the top’ at the UK Supreme Court on Wednesday 28th November. Sarah is a former mental health nurse with 13 years’ experience in the public and third sectors. Before changing to a career in law in...Read More
Caryl Longley, General Counsel at Deloitte LLP will be joining our Inspirational YOU panel to discuss ‘Women at the top’ at the UK Supreme Court on Wednesday 28th November. Caryl Longley has over 25 years’ experience as a solicitor. She trained in private practice in her home city of Cardiff but has spent the majority of...Read More
Her Honour Judge Taylor (judicial) will be joining our Inspirational YOU panel to discuss ‘Women at the top’ at the UK Supreme Court on Wednesday 28th November. Deborah Taylor has a background in both civil and criminal law. Having been a civil practitioner, she began as a Circuit Judge at Basildon Crown Court, presiding over...Read More
Lucy Scott-Moncrieff (President of The Law Society) will be joining our Inspirational YOU ‘Women at the top’ master class on Wednesday 28th November at the UK Supreme Court. Lucy Scott-Moncrieff is the President of the Law Society. She is also a mental health and human rights lawyer and the managing partner of Scott-Moncrieff and Associates LLP,...Read More
Judy Khan QC of Garden Court Chambers will be joining the Inspirational YOU panel to discuss women at the top at the UK Supreme Court on Wednesday 28th November. Judy Khan QC was called to the Bar in 1989, was appointed a Crown Court Recorder in 2006 and became a QC in 2010. She has...Read More